Monday, 1 August 2016

Troy Public Library

Troy Library

                      The library was discovered on the net. When I casually aired my opinion about having nothing to do at home other than watching TV and dozing off at very odd hours, the net was surfed to find out the existence of a library in the vicinity. Then we found that there was this TroyPublic Library within 2kms. We breezed through the two minute formality of taking a membership and wow that’s it. A vast expanse of neatly stacked volumes welcomed anybody inside. Only one hindrance: the labeling of the shelves was going on and so you didn’t know where was what. It was rather a voyage of discovery – hundreds of authors from all over the world, from fiction to biography, from humour to adventure from science to history, from pulp to piety, from known to unknown, from knowledge to infinite ignorance. Any voracious reader would be humbled by the variety offered by the city library happily, conveniently and cozily. There were reference desks, help desk, cushioned sofas near the stacks, expansive journal section, potable water, cafeteria, restrooms, self-checkout counters, children’s play area and enormous parking space. Besides, the public was offered immense kind of seasonal activities that kept every member in good humour. I happened to flip through many books with palpable interest throughout the forenoon and jotted notes and references in a small green notebook for later use. Anyone who wishes to while away the available time by casually flipping pages, struck by a phrase that stands out, kept wholly absorbed by some lines here and there may boldly venture into this cavern of books and would never regret their endeavour.

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