Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Gift of France

Gift of France

                Who does not love gifts? But when a nation gives a gift to another, how big and precious it would be. Well, we just wanted to find out how great it is, and boarded a commodious, three floored boat after coughing up a handsome purse for our tickets. The ride was fast, cold and served us a panoramic view of New York glass walls. Shortly the gift was visible, green and tall and imposing with a torch and a tablet of American Declaration of Independence. To note that this vast country won its independence in 1776, no wonder everyone here is proud and spirited. Probably, judging from this scale, India would be much more livable in another fifty years. Good luck to our youth. The Liberty island was the sole house of the Roman Goddess, popular as the Liberty statue, which was an expensive gift of the French brethren. There were a few richer friends on the pedestal and the crown, of the statue for which you should be early and lucky and deep-pocketed. The island was big enough for my evening traverse. Besides a souvenir shop that trebled  the cost of small take-home-your-memories-, the snack shop was crowded with all kind of visitors. Many Indian friends with family were eyeing one another surreptitiously, biting into their burgers and sipping from tall paper cups diverse tasted (or tasteless?) hot and cold beverages. The magnificent Goddess was glancing all these daily drama from atop a high pedestal without a wink. Soon it was time to return to Broadway to witness more fun and frolic. 

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