Tuesday, 14 April 2015

weather report

A weather report:

                Approximately 15000 kms away from home,  the weather was a total surprise to me. Used to wonder why on books people always talk about the weather. Now I got the answer. At the heat of scorching summer there, I was witness to shivering cold  and rain here. Going out was not that easy. Layers of winter clothing make you look big. Acquired a full wardrobe of unaccustomed shoes, socks, full sleeved t-shirts, gloves and jackets. No more walks along the parks and pavements. Huge malls spread their corridors and bridge to non-customers who crowd around to ease their laziness and accumulated obesity. Never realized malls could extend their service to walkers too. Kudos to the weather that promised a very cosy sleep at night and  the sweat is probably reserved for the next season. One late morning when opening the window, I saw  for the first time snow covered roofs, gardens and tree tops. Another dream became real. Never  thought I would see with my own eyes what I had seen only in pictures and movies. What precision! How smooth and calculated the snow spread through the entire landscape! Were angels playing legos on earth?